U.S. House of Representatives Passes the Student Success Act
Jul 2013
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The House of Representatives approved the Student Success Act (H.R. 5) which would rewrite the nation’s K-12 education law. As passed by the House, the Student Success Act will:
- Eliminate AYP and replace it with state-determined accountability systems
- Eliminate federally mandated actions and interventions currently required of poor performing schools, giving states and districts maximum flexibility to develop appropriate school improvement strategies and rewards for their schools.
- Allow Title I dollars to follow disadvantaged kids, at the state option (“portability”)
- Repeal federal “Highly Qualified Teacher” requirements and grant states the flexibility to develop their own teacher evaluation systems to better gauge an educator’s effectiveness, if they so choose.
- Maintain the requirement that states and school districts issue and distribute annual report cards, including disaggregated data on student achievement and high school graduation rates, while also streamlining data reporting to ensure meaningful information is easily available to parents and communities.
- Eliminate more than 70 existing elementary and secondary education programs to promote a more appropriate federal role in education.
- Consolidate a myriad of existing K-12 education programs into a new Local Academic Flexible Grant, which provides funding to states and school districts to support local priorities that improve student achievement.
To learn more about the Student Success Act, click here.