PAA Supports Increased FY24 Appropriation for NEA
The House and Senate Interior Appropriations Subcommittees which have jurisdiction over National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) funding, will soon begin consideration of the FY24 Interior Appropriations bill. The Subcommittees set the dollar amount for the NEA that begins the formal appropriations process, and this is a critical step in this process! If you are a constituent of a Member of Congress that serves on the House Interior Appropriations Subcommittee or the Senate Interior Appropriations Subcommittee, we especially urge you to contact your elected officials to support NEA funding.
The NEA’s current funding level is $207 million which reflects a significant increase from its FY22 funding level. The President has requested $211 million for the NEA’s FY24 appropriation. Arts advocates are urging Congress to support $211 million for the Endowment.
The Performing Arts Alliance urges you to contact your elected officials TODAY to support this increase and communicate the value of the NEA in supporting the performing arts in your community. The PAA participated in drafting an NEA Issue Brief to provide further information and encourage advocates to refer to it when personalizing your communication to Congress.